Viqarunnisa Noon School & College

Viqarunnisa Noon School & College is an all-girls educational institute in Baily Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It has 4 campuses and around 25,000 students. Viqarunnisa Noon School & College is one of the renowned educational institutes in Bangladesh. We consider every child as unique and so we maintain inclusive learning-teaching environment at every step in our great set-up. It is a fact now that our results are getting better in the public examinations every time. It has been made possible through our extensive and effective care stretched out to every individual student. Our students conglomerate here from multifarious backgrounds; various strata of the society. They enter the threshold of our strong and fortified home of learning and come out bearing an all-round personality.

Md Ismail Zabihullah
Chairman, Viqarunnisa Noon School & College

Viqarunnisa Noon School & College

Viqarunnisa Noon School & College is an all-girls educational institute in Baily Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It has 4 campuses and around 25,000 students. Viqarunnisa Noon School & College is one of the renowned educational institutes in Bangladesh. We consider every child as unique and so we maintain inclusive learning-teaching environment at every step in our great set-up. It is a fact now that our results are getting better in the public examinations every time. It has been made possible through our extensive and effective care stretched out to every individual student. Our students conglomerate here from multifarious backgrounds; various strata of the society. They enter the threshold of our strong and fortified home of learning and come out bearing an all-round personality.

Mazeda Begum
Principal (Acting), Viqarunnisa Noon School & College
  • জনাব এ. বি. এম. মনিরুজ্জামান

    অভিভাবক প্রতিনিধি (উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক)
  • জনাব মুর্শিদা আখতার

    অভিভাবক প্রতিনিধি (উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক)
  • জনাব সিদ্দিকী নাছির উদ্দিন

    অভিভাবক প্রতিনিধি (মাধ্যমিক)
  • জনাব ওহেদুজ জামান (মন্টু

    অভিভাবক প্রতিনিধি (মাধ্যমিক)
  • জনাব গোলাম বেনজীর

    অভিভাবক প্রতিনিধি (প্রাথমিক)
  • জনাব এ্যাডভোকেট রীনা পারভীন

    অভিভাবক প্রতিনিধি (সংরক্ষিত মহিলা)
  • জনাব বাদরুল আলম

    শিক্ষক প্রতিনিধি (কলেজ)
  • জনাব জান্নাতুল ফেরদৌস

    শিক্ষক প্রতিনিধি (সংরক্ষিত মহিলা)
  • জনাব মমিনুর রহমান

    বিদ্যোৎসাহী সদস্য

Governing Body

Sazzadul Hassan Mollah

Guardians’ Representative

Shahnaz Begum

Teachers’ Representative

Online payment Procedure

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You can pay any fee through

Parent's Portal

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Our Branch

Viqarunnisa Noon School and College,
Main Branch



1/A New Baily Road,

Ramana, Dhaka-1000.



Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, Dhanmondi Branch



House # 06, Road # 08, Dhanmondi Residential Area,

Dhanmondi, Dhaka.



Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, Bashundhara Branch



Block # F, 181/A, Bashundhara Residential Area,

Bashundhara, Dhaka.



Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, Azimpur Branch



101, Pilkhana Road,

Azimpur, Dhaka.



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